Well another summer has come and gone. I hope everyone had a good one as well! I figured this would be a good time to go over something I kept finding this year. Filters...
Filters are more important than most people think to your AC system and heating system. Many, many problems I find throughout the year are the result of dirty filters. And they don't just cause 1 or 2 problems either. It can be annoying or even difficult to do in some cases but if you want to keep your system running well and not have to see us more than you have to then keeping filters clean and changing them when needed is what you need to do. Its part of owning or renting your place. In Vegas it gets very dusty and if you have animals then there is even more dirt and debris in the air.
I'm going to give you some examples of dirty filters and ducting I found from this year as well as the coils so you can see the kind of situations this can cause. (Note that these are just SOME of the pictures I happen to find in my phone from that last few months).

Here is a list of things that dirty filters can cause,
- Unit freezing
- High power bills
- Poor air quality
- Allergens not filtered
- Heater not working
- AC not working
- Compressor going bad
- Blower motor going bad
- Capacitors going bad
- Dirty ducts
- Poor air flow in rooms
- Possible refrigerant leaks
- Condensation leaks
Not only is this bad for the unit but it is also bad for YOU! Your air is constantly circulating through the ducting and filters so it is imperative that you keep them clean. Now you don't need to go out and buy the most expensive and fancy filters but a good mid range filter that is changed regularly (like once a month) is good. The more expensive filters that catch a lot of the things in the air may not be for you and sometimes your system may need to be designed for something like that.
Filters can be gotten at Home Depot, Lowes, most supermarkets, Amazon, etc. So lets keep them changed regularly. Obviously if you have any questions or concerns you can give us a call.
As long as you keep them clean you should have a long lasting AC provided you keep the maintenance in as well once a year.
Thank you and hope everyone has a great Holiday Season!